Every Now & Then

by Halligan Nguyen

Halligan is a girl who grew up in San Francisco, loving to express and reflect through words. After discovering poetry through class in high school and fiction later in college, writing has become a place to heal her soul. Aside from poetry, she enjoys crafting and music, as well as reading books, and is a lover of travel and a language enthusiast. She holds lots and lots of love for stuffed animal friends.

Every now and then I’ll remember 

The things we used to say

The things we used to do

For a split second, I’ll remember and miss the timeline that was once me and you 

And just as fast, I’ll forget — forget with distance about what filled me with joy and what burned me with sadness 

I’ll remember you and your smile

Your voice and the way it made me laugh

I’ll remember the songs you showed me

and the shows you helped me brave through 

I’ll remember thinking I meant something 

But don’t forget, I’ll remember — 

I’ll remember every now and then