ode to my city

by Zosia Mosur

Zosia Mosur has lived in San Francisco all 14 years of her life. She is a music loving writer and a cat lady. She possibly, no, most definitely, has an unhealthy obsession with Taylor Swift. She is set to attend Ruth Asawa School of the Arts in the fall where she will be studying creative writing.

let me relieve my blue eyes

rest them on the straight line

of this traffic divider

i can see the ocean behind her

but the concrete hides

the bodies falling

quiet your honking

my foots awful tired

cant press the pedal

you can't drive around me?

deary, place-to-be is as important 

as this view

the red gate

is a fine ledge to leap from

but i don't want to die any sooner

than my imaginary god intends

and i suppose my god has become

sutro tower

tell her my secrets

at night

opened my curtain so i could talk to her

as my eyes flickered

in my bed

but we talked all through my dreams

and when i awoke

i was severely worried for myself

the way those teachers are

at my school 

down the hill

with the accidentally phallic tiles

that boys still think are funny

i can see 

that same red gate

from 5th period science 

contemplating the jump

but like i said

i have no intentions

of leaving my city

any sooner

cuz sf

baby you glow